Why stack SARMs?

Stacking SARMs refers to combining multiple SARMs together in a coordinated regimen. There are several reasons why individuals may choose to stack SARMs:

  1. Synergistic Effects:
    Different SARMs may have complementary mechanisms of action, allowing for enhanced muscle-building and performance-enhancing effects when used together. By stacking SARMs with distinct properties, individuals can potentially achieve greater overall results compared to using a single SARM alone.
  2. Targeted Muscle Growth:
    Stacking SARMs with specific tissue-selectivity profiles can allow individuals to target different muscle groups or aspects of muscle growth more effectively. For example, combining SARMs that primarily target different androgen receptors (e.g., androgen receptor agonists and antagonists) may result in more comprehensive muscle stimulation and growth.
  3. Optimized Results:
    Stacking SARMs can be a strategy to optimize results based on individual goals and preferences. Whether seeking to maximize muscle mass, improve strength and endurance, or enhance fat loss, selecting the right combination of SARMs can tailor the effects to align with specific objectives.
  4. Minimised Side Effects:
    Some individuals may believe that stacking SARMs at lower doses can provide similar benefits to using higher doses of a single SARM while potentially reducing the risk of side effects. By combining SARMs with complementary mechanisms of action, it may be possible to achieve desired results with lower individual dosages, potentially minimising adverse effects.
  5. Variety and Flexibility:
    Stacking SARMs offers flexibility and variety in designing a customised training regimen. Individuals can experiment with different combinations and dosages to find the optimal stack that aligns with their goals, preferences, and response to supplementation.

It's important to note that while stacking SARMs may offer potential benefits, it also comes with increased complexity and potential risks. Combining multiple compounds may amplify the effects, both positive and negative, and may require more careful monitoring and management.

These are the alternative chemicals which are not androgenic at all:

  • YK-11 Myostatin
  • MK-677 Ibutamoren
  • GW-501516 Cardarine
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic

These are the SARMs which are actually androgenic in the way they work:

  • MK-2866 Ostarine
  • RAD-140 Testolone
  • S-23
  • S-4 Andarine
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol

Build your Stack

Select your stack based on your Goal